This Action wires an individual form element or all form elements on the page to display its value when the form is posted back to itself.
139 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action cuts an element out of the Freeway page. There are two practical applications for this:
38 downloads, 0 comments.
By default, Freeway wraps any text within a DIV with a container tag, such as a P. Even Markup Items get this treatment, so it is difficult to add a block of code inline that will generate a DIV or UL or another block-level tag without the result becoming an invalid mess.
176 downloads, 1 comment.
Add a set of comments around any layer on the page. This helps you locate a particular element when viewing or editing the source code.
49 downloads, 2 comments.
Freeway creates select lists with a couple of minor flaws. If an option does not have a value provided (say if you wanted to have an option that didn’t have any value, like “Please choose…”) then it simply omits the value=“” property. It also does not include the label=“the label” property for options.
10 downloads, 1 comment.
This Action patches up a number of things that Freeway gets “wrong” with forms. Applied to a page, it loops through the entire page, finds any form elements, and does the following:
74 downloads, 0 comments.
Content Negotiation is an optional feature of the Apache Web server. It allows you to provide the same content in different languages, relying on the browser’s preferences to determine which language to send – all automatically. This Action automates the production of the index.var file that tells Apache which languages your site supports.
20 downloads, 0 comments.
Add a line of code before and after the selected HTML item. Optionally remove the ID from the selected HTML item; useful if your outer code wrapper uses the selected item as a template inside of a loop.
27 downloads, 0 comments.
This action is part of the easiForm suite of actions and is added to each of the form elements including the Submit button, each of your form elements that this action has been applied to needs a unique name value to be set in the Freeway inspector for that element.
19 downloads, 1 comment.
cms template html standards css php form commercial server forms easiform web forms content management confirm
This Action may be applied to any element in a Freeway layout to remove the height and/or width dimensions from it. This allows you to duplicate the “Height Can Shrink” behavior in a layer-based layout.
48 downloads, 11 comments.
This Action is in its very early beta form.. but basically it moves the Styles into the body, removes the outer div automatically created by freeway. Allows you to center the email via the outer table and finally removes the offending characters that stops the published HTML being run through TextMate’s “Move all styles to inline” if you have this application and bundle.
29 downloads, 20 comments.
developer cms template javascript email commercial server prototype content management open-source
Ever wanted to show a message on your form thanks page like:
0 downloads, 1 comment.
cms template html standards css php form commercial server forms easiform web forms content management confirm
Action Pack for inclusion of header joomla, including blocks of position, creating the file templateDetail.xml.
4 downloads, 0 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code
Pack d'action permettant l'inclusion d'une entête pour joomla 1.5.x, la création du fichier templateDetails.xml, de générer les 3 feuilles de style CSS (general.css, position.css, et template.css) définies dans l'entête.
6 downloads, 4 comments.
cms template javascript html standards css form softpress server forms fun free style elements content management open-source link page joomla code
Apply this Action to an HTML box to convert its contents into an RSS feed. A link to the feed will be added to the head of the page, where browsers will notice it and generate a link in the Location bar.
34 downloads, 0 comments.
This is a realy quick rough action that allows you to integrate a Zoomify exported file from photoshop into freeway.
60 downloads, 1 comment.
developer cms template html standards css form server content management variable string open-source picker zoomify
This Action allows you to use the new CSS3 gradient properties, without having to hand code it on any layered table or normal layer.
234 downloads, 7 comments.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
The general description of what this actions does is…
59 downloads, 3 comments.
developer cms template javascript css commercial softpress server prototype content management open-source background image inline
Code Buddy is a page action that simplifies working with external markup items in your Freeway pages. It allows you to easily add external markup to your pages while retaining the power and vestility of your code or text editor.
82 downloads, 1 comment.
This actions allows you to specify an RGB colour and an Opacity declaration to any table, table cell or div item.
56 downloads, 1 comment.
developer cms template javascript commercial server prototype content management
Add this Action to your form page to get automatic Zip code-based City, State, and Country field autocompletion.
20 downloads, 0 comments.
This Action creates a country code picker, and applies the Zippopotamus Action to the page in one step. Get instant Zip code to city and state conversion for any country supported by
13 downloads, 0 comments.
Add this Action to an empty HTML box on your page to get rid of the annoying 1px font size (and missing Overflow setting) that Freeway foists on empty boxes.
56 downloads, 1 comment.
Reduce the page loading time for your graphics-heavy pages. This Action causes all images on your page that are not currently visible on screen (below the fold) to be replaced with the _clear.gif placeholder, so they load instantaneously. Whenever you scroll or resize the browser window, these images are checked again to see if any part of them is visible now, and loaded if necessary.
106 downloads, 0 comments.
Feed2js makes it easy to re-publish RSS and Atom feeds to your pages. It requires PHP 5 on your server (preferably 5.3 or newer so you get the best possible XML support), but it does work with older versions of PHP 5.
74 downloads, 1 comment.