Versions (2010-04-08) (Downloaded 171 times)


Compatible: Pro 4, Pro 5, Express 4, and Express 5

Author: Softpress Support

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Note: This Action is now deprecated and may not work. To use HTML5 Video, please upgrade to Freeway 6.

This Action uses the html5media library to allow the HTML 5 Video tag to be used in all browsers. Browsers that don’t support the tag will fallback to using Flowplayer (Flash Video). The entire process is automatic, just apply the Action to a QuickTime item, choose your settings and upload.


  • An mp4 h.264 file encoded movie (chances are it will already be h.264 encoded if it’s an mp4 file already). To convert your movie one of the following applications:
  • Handbrake
  • ffmpegX

To use the Action:

  • Import the movie into an HTML item
  • Apply the Action
  • Choose your options
  • Preview (upload for the Flash version to work)

The options available are:

  • Theora version: To use the video tag in Firefox you need an Ogg Theora encoded version of the video. Click the button in the Action to get a Firefox extension (Firefogg) that will do the conversion for you
  • Autoplay: When checked, the movie will start without any user interaction
  • Loop: When checked, the movie will loop
  • Controls: When checked, a controller will appear under the movie
  • Auto buffer: When checked, the video will begin buffering when the page is opened, as opposed to after the user clicks play

Note: You will need to contact your web host and ask them to add the .ogv file format to the list of valid MIME types on your server (or do this yourself if you know how). This Action will produce invalid HTML




I just recently ran into an interesting issue with this action. BTW, this is a great action and I use it all the time.

I added a video to a password protected website and the video under the HTML action plays fine in test and live in all browsers except for Safari (5.03) where it locks on loading. Inactivate the .htaccess/.htpasswd files and all works again.

I will play around and see if I can figure a workaround.



I can build this action for YOU.

By the way…It is better to use a session-based security instead a .htaccess-Solution. You can find this action of me fot free here in the actionforge.

I have build an HTML5-Player with external buttons etc…. If you have interrest to expand your Membershipsite, I have a lot of tools to make more money…

Best Carsten [email protected]

I do not get it: i followed all instructions but my movie is not showing up. i also the page into xhtml but nothing works; the file is not downloading. In Firefox i got the message that Flowplayer was missing the streaming file ( i uploaded the same file as .webm file. Any ideas?

Is this Action compatible with Freeway 6? Is it even needed in Freeway 6? If so, what benefits does it offer over Freeway 6's built in HTML5 video features?

Hi James - The Action isn't required for FW6 as you can just follow the steps in the movie tutorial at <> (called "Working with HTML5 video". We will keep this Action on ActionsForge however for those who are still using FW5 and FW5.5

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