
PageDivExtended.fwaction (2014-01-06) (Downloaded 60 times)


  • style_accessors (library-action) - v. 1.2.7
  • PageDiv Extended (page-action) - v. 2.0

Compatible: Pro 5, Pro 5.5, and Pro 6

PageDivExtended.fwaction (2009-03-09) (Downloaded 0 times)


  • PageDiv Extended (page-action) - v. 0.1

Compatible: Pro 5

Author: Walter Davis

template html standards css

This Action allows you to completely remove or replace the Style tag of the PageDiv, or to add a ClassName to that tag.

Note that this is for experts only – you will probably make an unholy mess of your page layout if you don’t remember to set position:relative in your replacement style, for example.

This is a Page Action; apply it to the page, enter the entire contents of your style tag (without surrounding double-quotes) in the Style field, and/or the desired class string (without surrounding quotes) in the Class field. (If you do not enter anything in the Style field, the existing style tag will be removed entirely.) Check Activate to enable replacement, and publish.

If you need to use quotation marks within your style tag (for URL values or type= values) then you must use single-quotes. The Action will wrap the resulting style attribute in double-quotes, so a double-quote within your replacement style will prematurely terminate the attribute and probably mess up the entire tag.


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